Venturing anew into a very old conversation…

During the Season of Lent we at Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church used the book Living the Questions: The Wisdom of Progressive Christianity as a jumping off point for our conversations at the Sunday Forum.  During those weeks  attendance at the Sunday forum more than doubled.

We didn’t work through the book chapter by chapter, instead we allowed the material of two or three chapters shape our conversations each week, honoring the trajectory of the book, and allowing the cumulative weight of our readings and conversation to move us forward.

Our momentum took a real hit when we reached chapter 11, The Myth of Redemptive Violence.  What do we mean when we say that “Jesus died for our sins”?  What do we mean when, as part of our Eucharistic liturgy we say, “By his blood her reconciled us.  By his wounds we are healed” (BCP p. 370).  Are we saying that Jesus payed the price for our sins so that God’s wrath might be assuaged, God’s justice served, and our freedom purchased?

This is the question of “soteriology” or salvation and it is a question in which I am passionately interested.

I am going to spend some time over the next couple of months reading and studying soteriology, salvation, atonement, the cross and I would like to invite you to join me in this journey.  I will post summaries of the materials that I read and my responses to them and I hope that you will offer your comments, thoughts and reflections to those who join this forum.

The best way to keep up and to participate will be to subscribe or “follow” this blog.  There is a button on the sidebar of the home page that will allow you to follow the blog so that anytime something is posted you will be notified by email.

Comments on this blog are moderated, I have to approve them before they go public, but I will allow all ideas and perspectives to be heard.  I will only “edit” with an eye for civility and respect for difference of opinion.

My reading list is available here on the blog.  It is listed on the main menu on the banner of the home page.

I do hope that you will join us as we work together to “Always be ready to make your defense to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is in you…” (1 Peter 3:15b).



You can find Saint Andrew’s on the web and on Facebook.  I post sermons and reflections about life in the church on my primary blog site, A Mad City Episcopalian.